Colorectal Cancer Screening and Treatment.

We recommend annual colonoscopies for those at a higher risk of developing colorectal cancer.

Prevention and early detection.

Colorectal cancer almost always develops from abnormal growths in the colon or rectum. That’s why we recommend annual colonoscopies for those at a higher risk of developing colorectal cancer.


Colorectal screenings.

During a colonoscopy, your physician will look for those growths, called polyps, so they can be removed before they turn into cancer. Colonoscopies can also detect cancer in its earliest stages, which is when treatment is the most effective. 

We recommend annual colonoscopies for men and women from ages 45 to 75, but those at high risk of colorectal cancer based on family history may need to be screened earlier. Those older than 75 should speak to their doctor about further colorectal cancer screenings. 

Learn more about your colorectal health


Colorectal cancer symptoms.

Cancerous polyps and colorectal cancer may form without showing symptoms, which is why regular colonoscopies are so important for your wellness and health.

When symptoms do appear, they include:

  • A change in bowel habits.
  • Blood in your bowel movement
  • Diarrhea or constipation
  • Feeling like your bowel does not empty all the way
  • Abdominal pain or cramps that don’t go away
  • Unintentional weight loss


Colorectal cancer risk factors.

You are at an increased risk for colorectal cancer if you:

  • Are over the age of 45
  • Have a family history of colorectal cancer
  • Have a personal history of colon polyps
  • Have been diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disease such as Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis
  • Are overweight or obese

There are also lifestyle and diet factors that could contribute to your risk, including:

  • Not getting regular physical activity
  • A diet low in fruit and vegetables.
  • A low-fiber and high-fat diet
  • A diet high in processed meats
  • Regular alcohol and/or tobacco use


Comprehensive colon cancer treatment.

Colorectal cancer is often treated with chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, or a combination of these treatments. 

At the Health First Cancer Institute, you will get an accurate diagnosis, a team of skilled oncologists and surgeons, more treatment options, advanced therapies, and compassionate patient care. 

Our multidisciplinary team includes:

  • Oncologists
  • Radiation oncologists
  • Surgeons
  • Pathologists
  • Radiologists
  • Nurse practitioners
  • Physician assistants
  • Nurse navigators